A 1419 Theatre Series:
We are proud to introduce a 1419 Theatre Series! OK, so it's been introduced for a while, but here it is on our website.
The series is made up of two parts: the performance season and Performance Playground, our weekly workshop/lab where we train together and conduct theatrical research.
The Performance Season:
WATERBOX: directed by Justin Spooner performs November 19-20th
The Romanian Revolution Project: directed by Billy Mullaney performs January 21, 22, 28, 29
erased bobrauschenbergamerica: directed by Ben Gansky performs February 11-19
The Epilogue: directed by Jeff Shockley performs April 1-4
The Darkness Project: directed by Peter Rusk and Paul Stucker performs TBA
Performance Playground is our weekly workshop series. It is open to all and entirely FREE. Sessions typically consist of physical training/group work (normally a Viewpoints session/exercises) and experiments devised and conducted by the project leaders of the season. We've taken to giving each week a theme--past themes include Performance Playground: Action-Adventure Edition, Performance Playground: Workin' the Night Shift/After Dark, Performance Playground: Clownin' Around, Performance Playground: RECESS!, etc.
Check out our facebook event here: we change the info on theme and timing every week, so 'attend' the facebook event if you want to stay updated about Performance Playground info.
Performance Playground is our weekly workshop series. It is open to all and entirely FREE. Sessions typically consist of physical training/group work (normally a Viewpoints session/exercises) and experiments devised and conducted by the project leaders of the season. We've taken to giving each week a theme--past themes include Performance Playground: Action-Adventure Edition, Performance Playground: Workin' the Night Shift/After Dark, Performance Playground: Clownin' Around, Performance Playground: RECESS!, etc.
Check out our facebook event here: we change the info on theme and timing every week, so 'attend' the facebook event if you want to stay updated about Performance Playground info.
A group of people direct someone on a lower floor to perform a specific task by shouting the instructions in unison. Confusion and delight result.
This experiment was conducted at Performance Playground as research for The Romanian Revolution Project, directed by Billy Mullaney.
Performance Playground is a free and open weekly workshop held at 1419 as part of a 1419 theatre series co-curated by Billy and Ben Gansky.
Video edited by Ben.